Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Diabetic women at 34 percent higher risk of heart attack than men

Diabetic women are at a 34 per cent higher risk of heart attack and other related complications than diabetic men as they age. With respect to acute heart attack (acute myocardial infarction or AMI), diabetic women are more disadvantaged compared to diabetic men, with a gender driven “risk window” for women which mostly opens around menopausal age (45 years onwards). Authors pooled data from all Tuscan hospitals over the period 2005 to 2012 and a dataset containing the registry of all known diabetic patients from Tuscany. The effect of diabetes was separately measured in men and in women across this entire eight year period. After adjustments for several factors, the hazard ratio was found to be significantly higher in women than in men hospitalised for acute heart attack 2.63 times increased risk for women compared to 1.96 times for men giving a relative increased risk of 34 percent in women.

Source: Giuseppe Seghieri, 2015, Regional Health Agency, Florence, Italy.

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